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Once lost in the shadows of self-doubt, I started on a journey of self-discovery that I never could have imagined. I struggled to find my true identity and fully embrace my talents as a mixed-media artist. I didn’t always believe in myself, and that, truly, was the biggest obstacle to overcome. With the support from family and friends, I grasped every opportunity to learn more and connect with like-minded individuals. I learned a lot along the way, and I am grateful to those who took a chance on me. Without those moments that require a certain level of courage, I wouldn’t be where I am today. With each opportunity and brush stroke (on canvas and software), I began to embrace my unique talents and created worlds only I could envision. My stories and illustrations became my voice! Today, I stand tall as I embrace my true self as an ARTIST!


Kendra Barberstock (Paul) is a self-published author and self-taught digital illustrator residing in Ottawa, ON. As a Mi’kmaw woman, Kendra’s artwork reflects her Indigenous culture and is inspired by nature and the people she admires. Kendra began her artisan journey at a young age, being first introduced to the intricacy of beadwork art; this naturally turned into a passion for culturally inspired design, which flowed into artistic mediums that include painting, digital art and other forms of contemporary art. Kendra’s career has focused on academic advising for Indigenous students, and Youth engagement, with many years coordinating art-based and land-based youth programming in the Ottawa area. She loves the visual arts and the feeling of connecting people to the land and helping them see the Creator’s grand tapestry through an artistic lens. With a true passion for writing stories and creating illustrations, Kendra hopes to create opportunities for the whole family to learn.

Kendra is Mi’kmaw and a proud member of the Sipekne’katik First Nation.

Gathered, Together & Connected Forever- Kendra Barberstock

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